Carson Addresses House Forum On Traumatic Brain Injuries

Harry Carson joined other former players as well as brain-injury researchers to address a forum organized by House Democrats who are exploring what can and should to make the game of Football safer for players on all levels.

“Every parent should be informed. They should be informed as to what risks they are subjecting their kids to,” said Carson, “Understand that your child could be subject to a neurological injury that could affect them for the rest of their lives.”

“There’s a physical risk that you assume when you play. I think all of us understood the physical risk. But when we played…there was no information on the neurological risk.”

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League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis

League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis

The National Football League, a multibillion-dollar commercial juggernaut, presides over America’s indisputable national pastime. But the NFL is under assault: thousands of former players have claimed the league tried to cover up how football inflicted long-term brain injuries on many players. What did the NFL know, and when did it know it? In a special two-hour investigation, FRONTLINE reveals the hidden story of the NFL and brain injuries.