Happy New Year! Now I get it….

When I was young I remember hearing my parents, relatives and older friends of my family say to one another “Happy New Year!” That was followed up with how thankful they felt to live to see the beginning of a brand new year. I didn’t really think about at the time but I do now. When I review my 2012, life came to an end for many people I loved. I lost my brother, my father in law, one of my Giant teammates, two of my coaches from our Super Bowl Championship team, several life long friends and acquaintances. In recent years I receive a list of the many former NFL Players we lost during the course of the year. When I review that list and then reflect on my personal list of people I know who no longer are among the living, now I get it. Like those who proceeded me who saw those in their lives pass away sometimes too prematurely, I feel thankful and blessed to be able to see and welcome 2013. As I enter another year and see that another year nor even tomorrow is guaranteed I know that the best gift I can give myself is to live my life to the fullest!

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year! I encourage everyone to live your life this year with no regrets!!!

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year! Now I get it….”

  1. Well said, Harry! Happy New Year to you and your family! Spend as much time with the little ones as you can and spoil them to no end.

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